Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Proverb and Idiom

Proverb is a short sentence, etc., usually known by many people, stating something commonly experienced or giving advice. It usually expresses some obvious truth or familiar experience.
Here are some proverbs that are well known in English, though some of them come from other languages. The meanings given are generally accepted meanings, though other interpretations may be possible.
1. “Don’t cross your bridges before you come to them.” (Jangan sebrangi jembatan sebelum Anda dekat dengannya).
Don’t worry about problems before they arrive. (Jangan khawatir terhadap masalah sebelum mereka datang).

2. “Soon learnt, soon forgotten.” (Cepat dipelajari, cepat pula terlupakan)
Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget. (Sesuatu yang mudah dipelajari akan mudah dilupakan).

3. “Even a worm will turn.” (Bahkan cacingpun akan berbalik)
Everybody will revolt if driven too far. (Setiap orang akan melawan bila dipaksa terlalu jauh).
* worm (noun) = small thin animal with soft body and no legs
* turn (verb) = revolt, fight back

4. “It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.” (Adalah jerami terakhir yang merusak punggung unta)
There is a limit to everything. ((Ada batasan untuk semua).
* straw (noun) = dried stalk of grain (like grass) = (jerami)
* camel (noun) = large long-necked animal in the desert

5. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” (Jalan untuk ke hati seorang pria adalah melalui perutnya) Many women have won a man’s love by cooking good meals. (Banyak wanita menarik hati pria dengan memasak makanan yang lezat, wah… kalau ini setuju sekali XD)
* way (noun) = path; route

6. “Where there’s a will there’s a way.” (Dimana ada kemauan, disitu ada jalan)
If we are determined to do something, we can do it. (Bila kita menetapkan untuk melakukan sesuatu, kita akan dapat melakukannya).
* will (noun) = strong determination, desire.
* way (noun) = path, method

7. “The best advice is found on the pillow.” (Nasihat yang paling baik ditemukan di atas bantal).
We may find the answer to a problem after sleeping. (Kita mungkin (akan) menemukan jawaban permasalahan kita setelah tidur, yang ini sepertinya juga patut dicoba, hehe…)
* advice (noun) = recommendation as to what to do
* pillow (noun) = cushion to rest your head on sleeping
An idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are common phrases or terms whose meaning is not real, but can be understood by their popular use.
Because idioms can mean something different from what the words mean it is difficult for someone not very good at speaking the language to use them properly. Some idioms are only used by some groups of people or at certain times. The idiom shape up or ship out, which is like saying improve your behavior or leave if you don't, might be said by an employer or supervisor to an employee, but not to other people.
Idioms are not the same thing as slang. Idioms are made of normal words that have a special meaning known by almost everyone. Slang is usually special words that are known only by a particular group of people.
To learn a language a person needs to learn the words in that language, and how and when to use them. But people also need to learn idioms separately because certain words together or at certain times can have different meanings. In order to understand an idiom, one sometimes needs to know the culture the idiom comes from.
Kalimat Idiom Bahasa Inggris
Abjad A
Contoh Idiom Inggris
Contoh Kalimat Idiom Inggris
a good deal of
There are a good deal of luxury cars.
(Disana ada banyak mobil mewah.)
a lot of
She collected a lot of dolls.
(Dia mengoleksi banyak boneka.)
a man of the world
orang yang selalu memenuhi janji
She hopes her future husband is a man of the world.
(Dia berharap suaminya kelak adalah orang yang selalu memenuhi janji.)
about to
The show is about to begin.
(Pertunjukan hampir dimulai.)
after all
bagaimanapun juga
After all, Bima still loves his wife and son.
(Bagaimanapun juga, Bima masih mencintai istri dan anaknya.)
after one’s own heart
sesuai dengan keinginan hatinya
Jim always does anything after his own heart.
(Jim selalu melakukan apapun sesuai dengan keinginan hatinya.)
all along
dari semula
I had known all along that she was a widow with two son.
(Aku sudah tau dari semula bahwa dia seorang janda dengan dua anak.)
all of a sudden
He was destitute all of a sudden.
(Dia jatuh miskin secara tiba-tiba.)
all the better
adalah lebih baik
All the better Hani can do her homework by herself.
(Adalah lebih baik jika Hani dapat mengerjakan PR-nya sendiri.)
all the same
He is handsome and well-established. All the same he doesn’t have someone special.
(Dia tampan dan mapan. Namun dia tidak punya seseorang yang spesial.)
kurang istirahat, lelah menunggu, tidak sabar, gelisah
Waiting for hours made her antsy.
(Menunggu berjam-jam membuatnya gelisah.)
as to
None of his friends knew as to his private life.
(Tak satupun dari temannya tau mengenai kehidupan pribadinya.)
as easy as pie
sangat mudah
Solving mathematics problems for him is as easy as pie.
(Menyelesaikan soal matematika bagi dia sangat mudah.)
at all events
bagaimanapun juga
I realize that it is hard, but I won’t give up at all events.
(Saya sadar bahwa ini sulit, tapi saya tidak akan menyerah bagaimanapun juga.)
at any rate
bagaimanapun juga
At any rate, I will marry him next year.
(Bagaimanapun juga, aku akan menikahinya tahun depan.)
at will
sesuka hati
You can arrange your bedroom at will.
(Kamu dapat mengatur kamar tidurmu sesuka hati.)
Abjad B
Contoh Idiom Inggris
Contoh Kalimat Idiom Inggris
mengatakan hal yang buruk tentang seseorang
You should stop bad-mouthing your friends.
(Kamu seharusnya berhenti mengatakan hal buruk tentang teman-temanmu.)
(be) a piece of cake
sangat mudah
The physics test was a piece of cake.
(Tes fisika itu sangat mudah.)
(be) about to
Lita was about to eat her friend’s cake.
(Lita hampir memakan kue temannya.)
(be) afraid of
takut akan
Her son is afraid of the dark.
(Anak laki-lakinya takut akan kegelapan.)
(be) all ears
tertarik mendengar apa yang dikatakan orang
Please speak more slowly, I’m all ears.
(Tolong berbicara lebih pelan, aku tertarik mendengarnya.)
(be) at loss
bingung, tak tahu apa yang harus dikerjakan
After he broke our relationship, I was at loss.
(Setelah dia memutuskan hubungan kami, aku tak tau apa yang harus dikerjakan.)
(be) at large
bebas berkeliaran
Timi misses the time when he was still at large.
(Timi merindukan waktu ketika dia masih bebas berkeliaran.)
(be) broke
tak punya uang
I can’t join you to go to Lombok because I’m broke.
(Aku tidak bisa ikut kamu ke lombok karena aku tidak punya uang.)
(be) called to order
rapat dibuka
The party is called to order by the host.
(Pesta itu dibuka oleh pembawa acara.)
(be) close up to
berada dekat
Wella was close up to the inviligator during the exam.
(Wella berada dekat dengan pengawas selama ujian.)
(be) fed up with
tidak sabar, lelah pada seseorang atau sesuatu
I was fed up with her complaints.
(Saya lelah dengan keluhannya.)
(be) on leave
(sedang) cuti
If I were on leave, I would cook delicious soup for you.
(Jika saya sedang cuti, saya akan memasak sup lezat untukmu.)
(be) out of work
(sedang) menganggur
Her husband is out of work.
(Suaminya sedang menganggur.)
(be) short of
Their village is short of the clean water supply.
(Desa mereka kekurangan pasokan air bersih.)
(be) worn-out
sangat lelah
I’m worn-out after a week training.
(Saya sangat letih setelah satu minggu pelatihan.)
bite off more than one can chew
mengambil tanggungjawab melebihi kesanggupan
Working for ten hours per day, Ismail is bitting off more than he can chew.
(Bekerja selama sepuluh jam per hari, Ismail sedang mengambil tanggungjawab melebihi kesanggupan.)
break a leg!
good luck!
Stay calm Ani! good luck!
(Tenang aja Ani! Semoga beruntung!)
bring home to
menyadarkan seseorang
The incident has brought home to Geri about the meaning of friendship.
(Kejadian itu telah menyadarkan Geri tentang arti persahabatan.)
bring up
A teacher has a duty to bring up students both intellectual and moral.
(Seorang guru mempunyai tugas untuk mendidik siswa baik intelektual maupun moral.)
bull-headed (adj)
keras kepala
He was bull-headed before married.
(Dia keras kepala sebelum menikah.)
but for
kalau tidak karenanya
Ovi wouldn’t tend Hans during illness but for her love.
(Ovi tidak akan merawat Hans selama sakit kalau tidak karena cintanya.)
by all means
tentu saja
By all means, I will support you.
(Tentu saja aku akan mendukungmu.)
by and by
pada akhirnya, nantinya
He’ll forget his bitter experience by and by.
(Dia akan melupakan pengalaman pahitnya pada akhirnya.)
by degrees
lambat laun, nantinya
By degrees, he can realize the true personality of his partner.
(Lambat laun, dia akan menyadari kepribadian sesuangguhnya dari rekannya.)
by hook or by crook
tak peduli halal atau haram
There was a man in this office who earned money by hook or by crook.
(Dulu ada seorang pria di kantor ini yang mendapatkan uang tak peduli halal atau haram.)
by means of
dengan memakai
She always goes to anywhere by means of make-up.
(Dia selalu pergi kemanapun dengan memakai make-up.)
by no means
sama sekali tidak, jangan
She is, by no means, permitted to go home first.
(Dia sama sekali tidak diijinkan untuk pulang ke rumah duluan.)
by the way
By the way, do you know the latest type of Blackberry?
(Omong-omong, apakah kamu tau tipe terbaru Blackberry?)

References :

15 komentar:

  1. Please give me definition of proverb from other expert

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Can we find idiom in poetry or other literature?

  4. Can we find idiom in poetry or other literature?

  5. whether the proverb that does not give advice?

  6. What is the connection between proverb and idiom

  7. how proverb in the poetry, and what the different with idiom

  8. cute blog and i think that the material is clear. but i still confuse about proverb, can us make other example as proverb for our daily life? is okay?

  9. cute blog and i think that the material is clear. but i still confuse about proverb, can us make other example as proverb for our daily life? is okay?

  10. Your explanation is very interesting. so anytime we can use Proverb and idiom? and any papers that usually uses both these branches of semantics?

  11. How would you define proverb ?

  12. Perhaps it has different meanings in different areas?

  13. If we use the proverb how to explain if somepeople not understand thats meaning?

  14. If we use the proverb how to explain if somepeople not understand thats meaning?

  15. please explain if there is the same meaning of idioms and Proverb?



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