Jumat, 20 Mei 2016



This is the process when all the words that combine in a title are shortened to only the initials or first few letters of each. Acronymy is a word that is formed by combining some parts (usually the first letters) of some other terms. Dictionary Language and Linguistic, Hartman (1973: 1) menyatakan bahwa “acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of the words in phrase.”. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia memberikan batasan akronim sebagai kependekan yang berupa gabungan
huruf atau suku kata atau bagian lain yang ditulis dan dilafalkan sebagai kata yang wajar (Moeliono dkk., 1994: 4).

Jadi, dari beberapa arti yang telah dikemukakan para ahli dapat kita simpulkan :
1.      akronim merupakan kependekan yang berupa gabungan huruf atau suku kata;  
2.      akronim ditulis dan dilafalkan seperti kata.

Acronymy may remain alphabetism where pronounciation consists of a set of letters. For examples :
-          CD ( Compact Disk )
-          ATM ( Automatic Teller Machine )
-          IQ ( Intelligence Quotient )
-          USA ( United State of America )
-          MC ( Master of Ceremonies )
-          SMK ( Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan )
Acronymy may be pronounced as single word ( Capitalized ), examples :
-          AIDS  ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome )
-          NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization )
-          NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Association )
-          UNILAK ( Universitas Lancang Kuning )
Acronymy may be pronounced as single word ( Un-capitalized )
-          Radar ( radio detecting and ranging )
-          Laser ( light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation )
-          Tilang ( bukti pelanggaran )
-          Rudal ( peluru kendali )

Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. For example:
·         advertisement + entertainment → advertainment
·         biographical + picture → biopic
·         breakfast + lunch → brunch
·         chuckle + snort → chortle
·         cybernetic + organism → cyborg
·         guess + estimate → guesstimate
·         hazardous + material → hazmat
·         motor + hotel → motel
·         prim + sissy → prissy
·         simultaneous + broadcast → simulcast
·         smoke + fog → smog
·         Spanish + English → Spanglish
·         spoon + fork → spork
·         telephone + marathon → telethon

19 komentar:

  1. Whats convesion of the words that can be made as an acronym,? as we know that's using in Capital or not. Thank you..

  2. How important we learn about acronym and blending??? Its so difficult for student if they not know mean of the new words

  3. I don't understand about the acronymy, what is the difference between acronym and initialism?

  4. I don't understand about the acronymy, what is the difference between acronym and initialism?

  5. Nice subjetc sist..
    I wanna ask. There is some spesification words to make abbreviation? Or its all words ... pleasee give me more understanding...

  6. how to distinguish between acronym and initialism

  7. what the diffrencess between abbreviated and initiald ?
    tq sist ,

  8. What is the specific keyword that easy for us to know the word is blending or compounding. As we know that they are almost same. Thank you

  9. can you tell in your blog about acronymy and initialism ?thanks

  10. can you tell in your blog about acronymy and initialism ?thanks

  11. how we to ditingish about acronymy and identiald?

  12. how we to distinguish about acronymy and idebtiald?

  13. is blending make diferent meaning or same with original words?

  14. said the prokontra are included blending ?

  15. Very nice , but please explain in detail , what is the function of it all for language and literature ?

  16. Whta is the main idea from Acronym and blending
    Thanks ......

  17. what are different between acronym and abbreviation ? please explain

  18. what are the type of blending ?

  19. you wrote that blending is the process of combine two or more words, and compounding also the process of combine two or more words. Are they similarity meaning? thank you



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