Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Metaphor and simile

1.        Metaphor
Metafora (Metaphor) adalah cara untuk menggambarkan sesuatu dengan menyamakannya dengan sesuatu yang lain. Ini adalah perbandingan antara dua hal yang berbeda yang memiliki karakteristik penting yang sama.
"Freddie is a pig when he eats," Freddie adalah pemakan yang ceroboh seperti babi.

Contoh-contoh Metaphor dalam kalimat:
·           A blanket of snow fell today.
Maksudnya “blanket” disini bukan sebagai selimut yang sesungguhnya. Karna salju telah menutupi seluruh permukaan di suatu kota, seperti selimut.
·           He was boiling mad.
Maksudnya “boiling”, seseorang sedang merasa marah yang teramat sangat hingga berada di puncak emosinya.
·           I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Maksudnya “weight of the world”, dia menyamakan beban yang dipikulnya seberat dunia karena merasa beban tersebut amat berat untuknya.
·           You are my sunshine.
Maksudnya “sunshine”, dia menyamakan seseorang dengan “sunshine” karna memiliki kesamaan yaitu telah memberi cahaya dihidupnya.

Contoh Metafora menurut penggolongannya:
·           Metaphors tentang responsibility
I have to bear the responsibility for this.
The responsibility was weighing on my mind.
I don’t want to be a burden to you.
·           Metaphors juga idioms
Spill the beans.
Give someone a hand.
·           Metaphors tentang relationships
I was very attached to him.
She has split up with her boyfriend.
They greeted us warmly.
It was a very stormy relationship.
·           Metaphors tentang emotion
The news has hit him hard.
It had a huge impact on them.
He has a fiery temper.
The book was received warmly.
I felt a chill of fear.
She treated us with cool indifference.
The future looks very bright.
The news lifted her spirits.
There’s no point in having these dark thoughts.
They were eaten up with hatred.
Mistrust had poisoned their relationship.
·           Metaphors tentang thought and knowledge
A few doubts remained at the back of my mind.
The thought crossed her mind that he was lying.
I don’t want to put any ideas into your head.
I had already planted the idea in her mind.
It was a carefully constructed theory.
Let me know if you dig up anything about him.
I see what you mean.
They recognized the fact that they needed to improve.
We want to get a range of different views.
He kept us in the dark about his plans.
·           Metaphors tentang place and position
We are in a situation where there are no real winners.
They found themselves in a very difficult position.
I’ve been caught between a rock and a hard place.
This is a potential minefield for beginners.
You’ve lost me. What do you mean?
I really think you’re barking up the wrong tree.
I found out I’d been taken for a ride.
They met on a rainy day in January.
He lay awake all through the night.
This week’s gone so fast.
One day, in the distant future, I might go and live abroad.
The weeks crawled by until we could meet again.
She didn’t notice the time slipping by.
·           Metaphors tentang journeys and travelling
The baby arrived just after midnight.
They remembered the departed in their prayers.
His life took an unexpected direction.
What’s the best way of doing it?
I’ve tried being reasonable, and I don’t want to go down that road again.
I haven’t yet reached my goal.
I’d like to return to what David was saying earlier.
He always says things in a roundabout way.
The conversation drifted towards the subject of money.
This term, we will be exploring the psychology of sport.
It is an excellent guide to English vocabulary.
For more information, visit our website.
·           Metaphors tentang up and down
This is an area of high unemployment.
They had raised their prices to unreasonable levels.
The temperature had been falling steadily all day.
There was a collapse in the price of oil.
It is the true story of a millionaire’s meteoric rise from poverty.
They were downtrodden and oppressed.
She had never wanted to climb the greasy pole of politics.
They look down on everyone who isn’t as rich as they are.
They regarded tradesmen as their inferiors.
I felt as high as a kite.
They seem very down about it all.

2.    Simile
Simile adalah gaya bahasa kiasan, dimana suatu keadaan dibandingkan dengan suatu keadaan atau gambaran lain yang serupa. Biasanya ciri khas simile menggunakan kata pembanding seperti “like”, “as”, “such as” dan “as if”. Contohnya ,”as hard as a rock”, “as brave as a lion”, atau “he works hard as if tommorow never comes”.
Jadi, metaphor dan simile memiliki kesamaan yaitu menggunakan bahasa kiasan untuk menggambarkan atau menyamakan suatu keadaan dengan keadaan lainnya. Untuk membedakan nya, ingan kembali ciri khas yang dimiliki kalimat yang menggunakan simile yaitu menggunakan kata pembanding.

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