Kamis, 23 Juni 2016



Onomatopoeia is defined as a word, which imitates the natural sounds of a thing. It creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting.
For instance, saying, “The gushing stream flows in the forest” is a more meaningful description than just saying, “The stream flows in the forest.” The reader is drawn to hear the sound of a “gushing stream” which makes the expression more effective.
In addition to the sound they represent, many onomatopoeic words have developed meanings of their own. For example, “whisper” not only represents the sound of people talking quietly, but also describes the action of people talking quietly.
Examples :
  • The buzzing bee flew away.
  • The sack fell into the river with a splash.
  • The books fell on the table with a loud thump.
  • He looked at the roaring sky.
  • The rustling leaves kept me awake.
The different sounds of animals are also considered as examples of onomatopoeia. You will recognize the following sounds easily:
  • Meow
  • Moo
  • Neigh
  • Tweet
  • Oink
  • Baa
reference : http://literarydevices.net/onomatopoeia/

Antonomasia and conversion


Antonomasia is a literary term in which a descriptive phrase replaces a person’s name.  Antonomasia can range from lighthearted nicknames to epic names.
The phrase antonomasia is derived from the Greek phrase antonomazein meaning “to name differently.”
Imagine that you have a friend who is a fantastic chef, and you want to say hello.
Normal sentence:
“Oh, look! Sam’s arrived!”
Sentence with Antonomasia:
“Oh, look! The great chef has arrived!”
Here, the use of antonomasia allows you to greet your friend with a nickname which also reveals something about his character: he’s a great chef.

  •        Conversion

This process is also known as zero-derivation.
This process changes the part of speech and meaning of an existing root without
producing any change in pronunciation or spelling and without adding any affix.
 Process where by an item is adopted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix.
Conversion to noun:
            de- verbal:                              'state'                          love, want, desire
                                                            'event/activity'                        laugh, fall, search
                                                            'object of V'
              answer, find

De-adjectival: there is no very productive pattern of adjective-noun conversion. Examples:
                                                I'd like two pints of bitter [=type of beer].
                                                They're running in the final [=final race].
Conversion to verb:
            De- nominal:              'to put in/on N'                       bottle, garage
                                                'to give N', 'to provide with N' coat, mask, oil, plaster
                                                'to send/go by N'
                   mail, telegraph, bicycle, boat

e-adjectival:  (transitive verbs) 'to make adj'
                                                                           or 'to make more adj'
calm, dry, dirty
(intransitive verbs) 'to become adj' empty, narrow, yellow
Conversion to adjective:
            De- nominal:               a brick garage                         ~ the garage is brick
furniture             ~ this furniture is reproduction


A collocation is a familiar grouping of words, especially words that habitually appear together and thereby convey meaning by association.
Collocational range refers to the set of items that typically accompany a word. The size of a collocational range is partially determined by a word's level of specificity and number of meanings.

The term collocation (from the Latin for "place together") was first used in its linguistic sense by British linguist John Rupert Firth (1890-1960), who famously observed, "You shall know a word by the company it keeps."


Affixation is a morphological process whereby a bound morpheme, an affix, is attached to a morphological base. Affixation falls in the scope of Morphology where bound morphemes are either roots or affixes. Affixes mark derivational (-er in teach-er) and inflectional (-s in teacher-s) changes, and affixation is the most common strategy that human languages employ for derivation of new words and word forms. Affixation atau afiksasi merupakan penambahan imbuhan pada kata dasar.  Here are some affixes:

a. Prefix
            Prefix is a group of letters that added in the beginning of the root and it can change the meaning of it. Jadi prefiks merupakan affiks yang mendahului sebuah pokok kata atau dirangkaikan sebelum pokok kata.Prefiks atau awalan yang diletakkan pada sebuah kata untuk menciptakan rangkaian kata baru dengan arti yang berbeda untuk memberikan informasi. Setiap prefix memiliki arti yang berbeda, ketika prefix ditambahkan pada sebuah akar kata, prefix merubah arti kata tersebut menjadi kata baru yang telah ditambahkan. Here some examples:
·         +Re  Replay, Resend, Replace
·         +Pre →Prewedding
·         Hyperactive
·         Missunderstand
·         Enlarge
·         Unbelieve

b. Suffix
            Suffixes are word endings that add a certain meaning to the word.  An affix attached to the end of a base, root or stem that changes the meaning or grammatical function of the word. Jadi pada dasarnya yang dimaksud dengan suffix adalah suatu huruf atau sekumpulan huruf yang diletakkan pada akhir suatu kata atau root. tujuannya adalah untuk mengubah arti dari kata tertentu, hal ini berarti penggunaan suffix akan menciptakan kata baru dengan makna dan arti yang berbeda dari kata dasarnya. Selain itu, suffix juga dibedakan menjadi dua tipe, yaitu derivational suffix dan juga inflectional suffix. Berikut penjelasan dari masing-masing tipe tersebut:

            Derivational Suffix
Derivational suffix merupakan suffix yang dapat membentuk kata turunan dari kata dasarnya, suffix ini juga akan merubah makna kata dasarnya secara drastis serta sangat bertolak belakang dengan kata dasarnya,misalnya :
·         heaviness
·         enchantment
·         loosen
·         statement
·         forgetful
            Inflectional Suffix
Inflectional suffix Ini merupakan tipe suffix yang hanya memberikan penjelasan yang lebih jelas terhadap kata dasarnya, tapi suffix ini tetap merubah makna kata dasar namun tidak drastis,misalnya:
·         Books
·         Pens
·         Apples
·         Plays
·         Bigger
c. Infix
            Infix is a type of affix that can be used within the base form of a word, or affix is used into the middle of a word. Infixes often appear as linking vowels between prefixes and stems. English has very few infixes, and it does have marginal. A few are heard in colloquial speech, and a couple more are found in technical terminology. Infiks merupakan sisipan yang diletakkan dalam kata dasar,umumnya infiks jarang ditemukan dalam kata,namun ada,here are some examples:
·         Cupfu l→ Cupsful, added by s as plural
·         Son in law Sons in law
d. Confix
            Confix is composed of at least one prefix and one suffix, which are placed on either side of a root word. Confix is synonim as circumfix. In morphology, circumfix is the combination of a prefix and a suffix that attach to a base simultaneously to express a single meaning or category. Circumfixes contrast with prefixes, attached to the beginning of the words;suffixes, that are attached at the end; and infixes, inserted in the middle. Circumfixes are extremely common in Indonesian.  Example:
·         Accounting → It has prefix A and suffix ing

e. Suprafix
            Suprafix is the kind of affix in which a suprasegmental is superimposed on one or more syllables of the most or stem. The changing are such as toneand stress,it modifies an existing morpheme’s meaning. Because it attaches to the word’s stressing. It means the stressing of the word can change the meaning and the class of the word. Example:
'Produce, n. pro'duce, v.


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